Friday, June 3, 2011

Burn Pictures to A DVD

Windows 7 makes it easy to save your pictures from your hard drive to a DVD. You can back up and store hundreds of your precious memories on 1 DVD. The resolution, or size and quality of your pictures will determine how many will fit on the DVD.

Insert a blank DVD into the drive. You can use DVD -R, DVD +R, or, if you want to erase the contents later and re-use the DVD, you can use RW.

Close the dialog that pops up when you insert the DVD unless you are comforable with Drag-and-Drop.

Open your Pictures library.

Locate your pictures.

Select the pictures you want to burn. Use <CTRL>>Click>' to select more than one at a time.
Use '<CTRL>>A>' to Select All. Use <<SHIFT>>Click> to select a range.

Once you've selected your photos, click on 'Burn' at the top of the page to begin the burn process.

Files will be copied to the DVD staging area, ready to be burned when you're ready.

Files will remain in the temporary staging area as long as you haven't completed the process. 

You will be reminded that you have files waiting to be burned until the files are removed from this staging area by deleting or burning them.

Closing the Session will complete the burn and eject the DVD.

For more information about DVD burning, please contact Mobile PC Solutions.

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